Climate Change and Historic Towns-  Adapting to Change

Climate Change and Historic Towns- Adapting to Change

Built/Urban Heritage & Archaeology Climate Change and Renewable Energy

Climate change is one of the largest threats to the built, natural and intangible heritage of Ireland's towns. By coming together, residents of towns and villages can implement positive change. At a conference in June 2019, 12 such towns told their stories. We hope that this document inspires you and your community to develop successful projects that will help your town adapt.

Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings

Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings

Built/Urban Heritage & Archaeology Climate Change and Renewable Energy

Addressing Knowledge Gaps and Skills Training in Ireland

  • Published by: The Heritage Council, ICOMOS, SEAI, Carrig Conservation International
  • Author(s): Caroline Engel Purcell
Landscape Character Assessment CPD Carbon Footprint Audit

Landscape Character Assessment CPD Carbon Footprint Audit

Climate Change and Renewable Energy Landscapes

The carbon footprint for the multi-disciplinary LCA CPD Course September 2010

The carbon footprint for the multi-disciplinary LCA CPD Course September 2010 is five tonnes of CO2 from car travel and fossil fuels associated with heating and electricity usage at training venues

  • Published by: The Heritage Council
  • Author(s): Oonagh Duggan
Climate Change, Heritage and Tourism: Implications for Ireland's Coast & Inland Waterways - Summary Document

Climate Change, Heritage and Tourism: Implications for Ireland's Coast & Inland Waterways - Summary Document

Climate Change and Renewable Energy Heritage Tourism & Recreation

What climate change will mean for Irish tourism and the heritage of our coastline and inland waterways with an aim to help plan for the likely eventualities of climate change and to provide recommendations to Government on prioritising action.

What climate change will mean for Irish tourism and the heritage of our coastline and inland waterways with an aim to help plan for the likely eventualities of climate change and to provide recommendations to Government on prioritising action.

  • Published by: Failte Ireland and The Heritage Council
  • Author(s): Failte Ireland and The Heritage Council
Climate Change, Heritage and Tourism: Implications for Ireland's Coast & Inland Waterways

Climate Change, Heritage and Tourism: Implications for Ireland's Coast & Inland Waterways

Climate Change and Renewable Energy Heritage Tourism & Recreation

Research in relation to the potential impacts of climate change on Ireland’s maritime and inland waterways heritage. 

Research in relation to the potential impacts of climate change on Ireland’s maritime and inland waterways heritage, with a particular focus on those resources upon which tourism is dependent. The focus on these two elements of heritage is because of their particular vulnerability to climate change.

  • Published by: Failte Ireland and The Heritage Council
  • Author(s): Failte Ireland and The Heritage Council
Forestry & the National Heritage: A Review of the Heritage Council's Forestry Policy 2008

Forestry & the National Heritage: A Review of the Heritage Council's Forestry Policy 2008

Climate Change and Renewable Energy Natural Heritage & Biodiversity

This review of Heritage Council forest policy was carried out by a team of six foresters and ecologists at the request of Woodlands of Ireland. The review was carried out by collating and analysing published, grey, and oral information relevant to forest management in Ireland.

The emphasis of the study was on science-based knowledge, but the team also drew on its considerable collective experience of working in the forestry sector. Submissions were sought from all interested parties, and a public meeting was held to present draft conclusions followed by a discussion.

  • Published by: The Heritage Council
  • Author(s): Sasha Bosbeer, Huw Denman, Jerry Hawe, David Hickie, Paddy Purser and Patrick Walsh
Policy Paper on Forestry & the National Heritage

Policy Paper on Forestry & the National Heritage

Climate Change and Renewable Energy Natural Heritage & Biodiversity

The recommendations in this report seek to ensure the identification, protection, preservation and enhancement of the national heritage within the context of the Heritage Council's Strategic Plan.

Forestry has considerable potential to enhance Ireland’s biological and landscape diversity, offering aesthetic and amenity benefits while safeguarding our existing heritage and providing real economic benefit to local communities. However, it also has the potential to cause considerable damage to Ireland’s heritage.

  • Published by: The Heritage Council