Climate Impact Assessment and Sustainability Strategy for the Heritage Council

The Heritage Council nwishes to commission expert assistance in the research and development of an updated and expanded Climate Impact Assessment and Sustainability Strategy, detailing our specific impacts and identifying opportunities for positive action in all aspects of the Heritage Council’s operation and sphere of influence. This will include the following stages:

  1. A climate and sustainability impact assessment of all Heritage Council operations, projects and programmes, to identify where the organisation is impacting on the environment, both negatively and positively, and to identify evidence-based actions to quantifiably improve the sustainability of all aspects of our work.
  2. A sustainability strategy to guide the enhanced adoption of environmentally sustainable practices in the areas under direct control, including daily operation as an organisation and management of Heritage Council headquarters in Kilkenny, Heritage Council projects and programmes, and setting the scene for how to measure and influence climate action in our spheres of influence including partnerships and funded organisations.

Tenders in response to this brief should address each of these stages with methodologies, timelines and costings for each stage presented clearly and separately.

Detailed requirements and application details are available via the e-tenders platform

The closing date for submissions via the etenders platform is 24/05/2024.